Powder is a dry, bulk solid composed of many very fine particles .Powders are a special sub-class of granular materials.


  • 3.0USD
    Avocado Powder  is a fruit of very high economic and nutritional value. Usually, people use avocado as a fruit to make a smoothie, salad, drinks, guacamole, creams, dressings, dips, and other in the food industry.
  • 3.0USD
    Broccoli also contains the carotenoid,lutein. Broccoli is anexcellent source of the vitamins K, C, and A, as well as folate and fiber. Broccoli is a very goodsource of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and the vitamins B6 and E.
  • 3.0USD
    Organic Brown Rice Flour is 100% whole grain and stone ground, preserving the nutrients found in the bran and germ of the rice kernels.
  • 4.0USD
    Celery powder is organic fresh celery through cold drying and cold pressing process that is ground into a fine powder. Therefore, celery powder is also known as freeze-dried celery powder. The powder after extraction still retains more than 98% of vitamins, minerals and nutrients found in fresh celery.
  • 7.0USD
    The GAC FRUIT POWDER  is made from the red aril of Gac fruit. Numerous scientific studies suggest that Gac fruit is richest source of antioxidants like beta-carotene (ten times more than in carrots), lycopene (seventy times more than in tomatoes), and zeaxanthin. It is known as a priceless gift of Nature, has so many health promoting nutrients.
  • 4.5USD
    Gotu kola is known since ancient times to enhance wisdom, gotu kola is like our brain, so the use of this medicinal plant is good for the brain, helping to ensure wisdom, gotu kola is also used as a medicine, rejuvenation medicine. Today, gotu kola is not only used directly but also produced into powder, the nutritional composition is still the same as that of fresh gotu kola.
  • 3.0USD
    There are various qualities of Joss (Jigat) Powder, depending on percentage of bark and leaf of Litsea glutinosa.The bad is 3cup, the best is 36 cup. The Joss Powder (highest quality) are made from pure red bark. is also call Pure bark joss powder. We can supply various assortments of Joss powder from low viscosity to very high quality as per client’s demand.
  • 4.0USD
    The moringa tree is native to the south of the Himalayan Mountains in northern India and grown around the world. It is widely used as food and medicine. Moringa powder is made from the leaves of the moringa plant and is packed with nutrients and other health benefits.
  • 2.0USD
    Moringa leaves are rich in healthy antioxidants and bio-active plant compounds. Moringa leaves are an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals and contain Protein, Vitamin A, B6 & C, Iron, Riboflavin (B2), Magnesium and many others. It is a rich source of Antioxidants that act against free radicals in body and improve immunity.
  • 5.0USD
    Noni is the comm name of Morinda Citrifolia , also known as Lolita, belonging to genus Rubiaceae, Noni is a tropical plant, rare and precious. Noni has more than one hundred kinds of organic & inorganic ingredients, and has been widely used in modern preventive medicine. Noni can be used as daily food or nutrition supplements.
  • 7.0USD
    Potato Powder is pure protein concentrate, have a variety of balanced amino acid composition, has a high nutritional value. Potato protein is a kind of potential health food. Potato Powder is rich in protein, crude fiber, carbohydrate, provide a nutritional elements for humans.
  • 7.0USD
    Purple yam powder is a purely natural ingredient extracted from purple yam that is planted locally, and is rich in anthocyanin and minerals. Purple yam powder has preserved full nutrients with special flavor of purple yam, and is suitable for fancy foods of cooking