• 4.0USD
     A member of the ginger family, turmeric is a perennial plant that is cultivated throughout tropical Asia, India, and China, especially grown in Vietnam. It's always uses it to maintain health and healing. It is used in cosmetics. Turmeric is used to flavor and to color foodstuffs. Turmeric is also used as a dye in textile industry...
  • 2.0USD
    The main components of fish glue are advanced collagen, various vitamins, calcium, zinc, iron, selenium and other trace elements. It is a raw material for the human body to supplement and synthesize protein, and it is easy to absorb and use.
  • 0.8USD
    Fresh Lime is a medium to large-sized plant, with vigorous growth, spreading form, and almost without spines. Flowering occurs almost during the whole year, mainly in May and June months. Fruits are medium-large sized and seeds are scarce or absent. The skin is generally thin, with a smooth surface and yellow color when ripe. Pulp is greenish-yellow, succulent, and acidic.
  • 3.0USD
    Fish skin contains a lot of protein and especially collagen, a very important compound for anti aging of the human body.
  • 3.0USD
    Fish skin contains a lot of protein and especially collagen, a very important compound for anti aging of the human body.
  • 4.5USD
    Gotu kola is known since ancient times to enhance wisdom, gotu kola is like our brain, so the use of this medicinal plant is good for the brain, helping to ensure wisdom, gotu kola is also used as a medicine, rejuvenation medicine. Today, gotu kola is not only used directly but also produced into powder, the nutritional composition is still the same as that of fresh gotu kola.