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sugarcane juice

  • 7.0USD
    - One of the best-selling products by ATL Global is our freeze dried sugarcane juice. It is made from 100% natural sugarcane harvest from ATL Global Organic Farm. Freeze Dried Sugarcane Juice contains no preservatives, no artificial flavor, no added sugar. Convenience & healthy to use by mixing 4-5 teaspoons of our freeze dried sugarcane with 160mL of water with some ice to enjoy a glass of ice cold refreshing sugarcane drink.
    ** Ingredients: 100% Fresh Sugarcane Juice
    ** Preservation: Keep in cool, dry places and tightly closed.
    ** Instruction: Mix 5 teaspoons of sugarcane + 160mL + ice, stir and enjoy.
    ** Expiry date: See on packaging, expiration date follow (DD/MM/YY)