Useful effects of cuttlefish types

The bandit is the capsule / shell of the cuttlefish. This medicine has the effect of hemostatic, neutralizing stomach acid, etc., so it should be applied in the remedy for hemorrhoid / gastrointestinal bleeding and defecation of blood.

Ô tặc cốt
Ophiuchus (sea adventure) is the follicle / shellfish of all kinds
Other names: O fishermen, Mai toner, Hai adventure pepper, Cuttlefish, Squid board, White dragon, Lam fishery, … Scientific name: Sepiella maindroni
Brand name: Os sepiae seu sepiellae
Family: Squid (Sepiidae)
Describe medicinal herbs
Box robbers are the cysts of all kinds of squid, of which the most common is squid.
1. Animal characteristics
Cuttlefish are mollusks that live mainly in salt water. This animal has a hydrodynamic form and has a diaphragm. Squid heads have tentacles, which act as bait and self-defense. When attacked, the ink often secretes the black substance in the pink bagô tặc cốt

Squid is a mollusk, whose body structure is in hydrodynamic form

This species usually lives in the bottom water. The main feed is shrimp and small fish.

2. Parts used

Mai cuttlefish.

3. Distribution

Squid is present in most waters of the world. In our country, squid live in many central waters such as Cam Ranh, Binh Thuan, Da Nang, …

4. Collecting – preliminary processing

It can be collected all year round but it is caught in March – September because this is the time when the squid move near the shore to lay eggs.

After catching, take off the head and then shave the outer shell. Soak the cuttlefish in water to remove salinity, then dry or dry and use gradually.

Description of medicinal material: The material is ivory-white, oval and flat, the middle is thicker on both sides and has a hardness. The back has raised grains, the belly is whiter than the back and has small horizontal ridges. The bandits smell fishy.

5. Preserving

Cool place.

6. Chemical composition

Sea cucumber has chemical components such as iodine, sodium chloride, colloidal, phosphate, calcium carbonate, some organic substances, ...

The drug of robbery remains

1. Taste

Salty, moderate.

2. Business rules

Rules on the Sutta and Can.

3. Pharmacological effects

According to modern medicine: Has hemostatic effect due to containing pectin. In addition, this component also has the ability to protect stomach ulcers, promote blood clotting and limit gastrointestinal bleeding.

Assists in repairing defects in bone structure and promotes the process of repairing and regenerating damaged bone cells.

Carbonate acid has the ability to neutralize stomach acid. Since then improve the symptoms caused by excessive gastric secretion.

Able to absorb harmful mucus and bacteria.

According to Oriental medicine:

The effect of arterial blood flow, spermaticity, except welding, acidosis, collection, collection of light, blood.

Principal: Hemorrhage, seminal fluid, acidic vomiting, skin sores, pustules, gonorrhea, lower extremities. Low diagnosis, stomach pain, menstruation.

4. Usage – dosage

It is possible to use umbrellas in the form of decoction and powder dispersion. However, using medicinal herbs in powder form found a higher effect. Usual dose: 6 – 12g / day.

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